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Polluted air drastically reduces the performance of your brain.

Here are 4 ways to defend yourself to stay healthy and improve your cognitive abilities:

Published on 06.05.2023

Jean Kalyvas's picture

Jean Kalyvas

Chief Information and Marketing Officer

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Polluted air drastically reduces the performance of your brain.
Here are 4 ways to defend yourself to stay healthy and improve your cognitive abilities:

→ Regularly oxygenate yourself by engaging in physical activity outdoors…

→ …but do it by avoiding the hours when pollution is highest (morning and evening).

→ Add plants to your workplace and bedroom.

→ Consume foods rich in antioxidants, such as dark chocolate and nuts.

→ Purify the air in your home and office with an air purifier.

An air purifier is a device that eliminates all harmful particles present in the air you breathe:
And so on.

Jean Kalyvas's picture

Jean Kalyvas

Chief Information and Marketing Officer

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