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Air purifiers: why, how and where to use them?

An air purifier can improve the quality of the air you breathe every day, whether at home or at work. This article explains where, how and why to use an air purifier.

Published on 18.01.2024

Table des matières


The benefits of an air purifier


Reasons to use an air purifier


Where to install a purifier?


Air purifier: how it works


Air purifiers: how to choose?


Discover Deltrian purifiers

The benefits of an air purifier

Why you need an air purifier

Whether in our homes or at our workplace, the air we breathe daily contains many fine particles. These particles can have a detrimental impact on health. Fortunately, there are solutions available to filter your indoor air and rid it of all these harmful particles.

The most direct solution is to use an air purifier, which should be placed in the space you wish to purify.

Reasons to use an air purifier

Why use an air purifier?

Using an air purifier not only protects your respiratory health but also serves two objectives:

  • Limiting the presence of harmful residues in the air you breathe, such as VOCs (volatile organic compounds), bacteria, or viruses.
  • Preventing respiratory problems (such as asthma or allergies) related to poor indoor air quality that can occur in at-risk individuals (children, the elderly, or those with sensitivities).

Using an air purifier is thus crucial for those who want to protect their health, that of their family, and their team. Considering that the vast majority of the world’s population breathes poor-quality air (over 90% according to the WHO) and that indoor air can be up to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air, the use of an air purifier is extremely relevant.

Where to install a purifier?

Where to use an air purifier?

All indoor spaces can benefit from the use of an air purifier: homes, offices, open spaces and coworking spaces, shops, car dealerships, hotels, restaurants, medical centers, hair salons, etc.

In all these spaces, an air purifier can be used both preventively and curatively.

Air purifier: how it works

How does an air purifier work?

To filter and purify the air in your indoor space, an air purifier must work in several stages.

Firstly, the purifier draws in the air present in your room. This air then passes through several filters, which retain all the harmful particles contained in it.

Once filtration is complete, the air purifier releases the purified air back into the room where it is placed. Therefore, to benefit from optimal operation, it is necessary to use an air purifier in each room you wish to purify.

Air purifiers: how to choose?

How to choose the right air purifier?

Each air purifier has its own performance and characteristics. It is therefore necessary to research before making your choice, in order to select the air purifier that perfectly meets your needs and expectations.

Several factors must be taken into account in making your choice:

  • The size of the room and the volume of air to be purified,
  • The dimensions of the device,
  • The efficiency of the filtration offered,
  • Energy consumption,
  • Additional features such as management via a mobile app and remote control,
  • The noise level of the device.

It is therefore advisable, before investing in an air purifier, to compare these different elements, especially the levels of filtration provided by the different devices that interest you.

We can also guide you to the ideal air purifier. To do so, simply contact us via the form found at the bottom of the page.

In this way, you can protect yourself from allergies as well as eliminate all the micro-particles present in the air you breathe in your indoor space.

Discover Deltrian purifiers

Choose Deltrian for your air purifier

At Deltrian, we offer a wide range of air purifiers:

  • DeltriPure
  • Mia Air
  • Mia Air Compact
  • Mia Air Lamp
  • Mia Air Tower

Contact us via the form below, and we can guide you to the ideal choice.

Our products

Discover our air purifiers

Deltri Pure 1 | Deltrian Protective


Air purifiers

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